Are You Truly Free?
The Oxford Living Dictionary defines freedom as: “The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved”. As we near Remembrance Day we often think about military members who risked their own lives with threats of being imprisoned, enslaved or worse so that we could experience freedom from foreign domination or despotic governments. Most return from their tour of duty with haunting memories of what they saw and did.
Manage the Expense of ChristmasChristmas can place an inordinate amount of stress on a tightly managed household budget. A change in circumstances can throw precarious finances into crisis with some families taking up to three years to repay their Christmas spending. Here are a few tips to help you manage the expense of Christmas.
Persistence Brings RewardsSometimes it’s the hardest roads that lead to the best places.Whatever dfficulties you may be facing could very well be the passage to a new and excitiing phase of life.
A Movie ChristmasWith all of the available technology today, it is very easy to binge on watching Christmas movies. In fact, some channels are bragging about how many new Christmas movies that they will air this year. It doesn’t take long to realize that the template for each is basically the same.
Create Christmas SpiritI have learned so much from my family, friends and clients over the years. Many of them have had very good reasons to feel sorry for themselves or bemoan their negative circumstances. Instead, they reached out to others who needed help.