Teaching My Children About Tzedaka: A Jewish Tradition of Charitable Giving
This article describes how I am teaching my sons about charitable giving through the Jewish tradition of tzedaka. We each place a little money into our tzedaka box every Friday evening as part of our observance of Shabbat. After a couple of months, we decide which charity to support. Our donations are related to the themes of whichever Jewish holiday we are celebrating at the time.
Why Do We Send Our Loved Ones a Card on Valentine’s Day?Why do we send Valentine’s cards? What purpose does it really have in the 21st century? This article attempts to examine it’s true meaning in the modern age.
Tips and Ideas for Superhero CostumeIf you are going to attend a theme party or Halloween party, you need to put on odd dresses. Here, you will be given some important ideas regarding superhero Costume.
Have a Great Easter Celebration With InflatablesWith the holidays around the corner, your house will surely be blessed with massive amounts of festive items flowing around. So when it is Easter, you can’t miss out on an Easter Hunt with colorful eggs and a wonderful Easter cuisine for a delicious gastronomic experience. But what about entertaining the little kids coming over to your place during Easter?
Planning Your Easter CelebrationEaster is one of those holidays where family and friends all come together to celebrate, reconnect, and have fun. When planning your Easter celebration, the theme of fun and family should be your top concerns. Following are some suggestions to ensure that this Easter celebration is one that everyone will enjoy and feel good about.