The Reason For Christmas

Christmas is celebrated by many who don’t quite understand it. This article explains in simple terms, based on the Bible, what Christmas is all about. Christmas is a reminder that we need to seek a personal relationship with God through faith in his Son, Jesus Christ, whose birth is celebrated at Christmas.

Another Christmas Up the Chimney

It hardly seems possible that another Christmas has come and gone. I think it comes quicker than it goes, but then that is just my opinion. We were sitting for the last time around the Christmas tree which was about to be disassembled and I happen to say, “I can’t believe Christmas is over. Where does the time go?” To that, the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage looked at me and said, “The older you get, the faster time goes.” I remember as if it was yesterday when without thinking, which is usually dangerous for me, I once responded, “You must know.”

3 Last-Minute Pork Recipes To Add To Your Christmas Dinner

Not finished planning your holiday menu? Try these tasty pork recipes perfect for Christmas – easy to make but will hit the spot!

Wishing for a 2005 Christmas or Am I?

I woke up this morning and checked Facebook like I do every morning. I had a newsfeed filled with Christmas trees, talk of grocery shopping for the big dinner, Latkes recipes and parents sitting on couches with little children in front of their Christmas trees drinking hot chocolate waiting on the big guy. Families are traveling from near and far to be with other family members.

The Best Entrance To A New Year

There are many gates to the New Year, which one have you decided to use? People, things and circumstances often determine the decisions or the steps people take in life. However, none of the above can force you to choose their way, you are the one to finally take the decision and implement it. This article tells you the best entrance to the New Year.

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