New Year – The History Behind “Ringing in the New”
New Year celebrations get bigger and better each year with parties and festivities becoming grander and fireworks displays brighter and for longer durations. However, celebrating the New Year is not a recent phenomenon. You’ll be rather surprised to know that around the world New Year celebrations began at least 4,000 years ago!
New Year’s Resolutions – Making and Breaking ThemMaking a New Year’s resolution is a common tradition where a person undertakes a promise to fulfill an act of self-improvement or change an attitude or way of life to benefit others. It is not confined to any particular region and is a globally popular trait. The end of the Great Depression saw many in the Western Hemisphere forming New Year’s resolutions probably as a way of hoping for better days in the face of much uncertainty.
New Year Celebrations – The Strange Customs and TraditionsThe New Year is celebrated with much gaiety, enthusiasm and happiness all over the world and there are many customs and traditions, even superstitions attached to the celebrations. Some of them are unique and interesting while some of them are rather strange and weird! The underlying feel of celebrating the New Year is looking forward to a period of happiness, good fortune, prosperity and good health and putting behind a time of conflicts, mistakes and worries.
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Celebrating Father’s Day 2016 Amid Rising Fatherlessness in AmericaIn the good old days, 87.7% of the Baby Boomer generation grew up with two biological parents who were married to each other. Today that number has dwindled to just 68.1% and is trending downward. Indeed, experts say, even as we celebrate Father’s Day this year, fatherlessness is the biggest family and social issue we face today.