The Reasons Why Real Christmas Trees Are Better Than Artificial Christmas Trees

When the last few months of the year come around everyone gets in the Christmas spirit. Shops often kick-start the Christmas feeling by displaying Christmas crackers, decorations and Christmas cards. Then comes along the well-known Christmas adverts, which seems to be coming on earlier and earlier every year!

The Sentiment Behind Greetings Cards

Everyone exchanges greetings cards nowadays without a thought of when they first started and where they originated from, well now is the time to find out. Greetings cards originally came from post cards, although they are usually given to loved ones and acquaintances on special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas and other holidays they can also be sent out of the blue, just to say hello or thank you, or even to give someone a line of communication that you haven’t seen in a while. They are manufactured and hand-made by hundreds of companies worldwide both big and small, with…

White Elephant Egg Hunt – A Perfect Gift Exchange for Easter

The white elephant gift exchange party is always a crowd favorite during the holidays. It is the perfect way for groups to share gifts and have a social activity at the same time. Learn how to include a white elephant “egg” hunt with the gift exchange to add an extra dimension to the fun.

It’s Never Too Early to Start Planning Your Christmas Celebrations

Christmas may seem like a long way away but when you start thinking about how much planning it takes to get everything done on time, you’ll realise what a good idea it is to start thinking about it in the summer. Find out what you can do in advance of the celebrations.

How to Write a Letter to Santa

This article tells exactly how to write a warm and wonderful letter to Santa Claus. Your child’s letter will be filled with the Christmas spirit, if the author’s four suggestions are followed.

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