5 Easy Ideas for Last Minute Birthday Celebrations
In the age of information it’s easy to be able to whip up a couple of quick last minute ideas for a birthday party that is sure to thrill and delight any child on their special day. The next time you find yourself in a bind frantically searching for last minute birthday party celebration ideas, why not choose a couple from here.
Reflection – Turning 40Most at times, a year passes by without noticing my birthday. The only thing I remember is the end of year celebrations. This reminds me of my youthful days when celebrating birthdays were unusual except once in a while, but this time around, my 40th birthday was triggered by my shopping expedition.
Why Is Mother’s Day So Special?Mother’s Day is a special day to celebrate the unique bond between a mother and their child. It is the perfect day to thank them for being there throughout your life.
A Day Off!May 24th was the date that Queen Victoria of England was born. On her thirty-fifth birthday, in 1854, legislation was passed to celebrate her birthday in Canada. That year, over 5,000 gathered on May 24th in Toronto to “give cheers to their queen”.
A New PrincessThe eyes of the world have been focused on England since the fall of 2014 when Prince William and Kate Middleton announced that they were expecting their second child. Over the past few days, a lot of money has changed hands as people have speculated and wagered on the gender of the unborn child and then, once the girl was born, what name she would be given. Those who chose Charlotte won!