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Memorial Day: 2015

A time to remember and reflect: Remember those veterans still waiting too long to get the care they need from a broken and corrupt VA system. Remember those veterans who still wake up in the middle of the night seeing the faces of their brothers and sisters who died in the field of battle. Remember the folded flags of our fathers that sit on the mantle to remind us of the price they paid and the pride they felt.

USA Memorial Day Is A Day To Give Thanks And Remembrance

The article is about what Memorial Day is really about. It alludes to the actual day as well as the day it is celebrated.

How To Care For Christmas Trees

Tips to keep your Christmas tree healthy and looking its best throughout the holiday season. A little care will go a long way for the health of your tree.

God Keep Our Land

Since childhood, I have been advised that it is safer to stay away from discussing politics or religion. There is therefore some risk in writing this one for Canada Day. When I grew up we began each school day with prayer.

Friendship Day Celebrations

Friendship is an important thing in human relationships. It is one of the basic building blocks of social harmony. The tradition of celebrating friendship on a special day is comparatively recent. The idea of dedicating a day in honor of friendship came only in 1930. Now International Friendship Day celebrations take place on the first Sunday of August every year.

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