Don’t Compare Yourself to Others During the Holidays
We all compare ourselves to others from time to time. However, this is especially the case during the holidays. Somehow, we want to outstrip our neighbours and look better than them. If we visit someone during the holidays and their house is all decked out, we want our house to be all decked out too. This can cause a lot of frustration and fatigue and it can lead us to many unhappy and stressful moments during the days leading up to the holidays. It is far better for us to simply decide for ourselves how we will decorate our home without checking in with others. I always believe that when we compare ourselves to others, we don’t trust ourselves enough. We should just trust that how we decide to decorate and celebrate Christmas is indeed the right way for us and stop comparing ourselves to others all the time. In this article, I will show how to not compare yourself to others and enjoy the holidays.
How to Organize Your HolidaysWhen we think of the holidays, very few of us believe that we should organize them. Most of us are happy enough to spontaneously and unintentionally move into the holidays and get moving as fast as possible. But I believe that this is one way to exhaust ourselves and ultimately be bedbound by the time Christmas arrives. Organization is the key to having our best Christmas. This is as important for preparing our meals, cleaning, and doing the wash as it is to enjoy Christmas. It is worth sitting down sometime in early December and deciding what is important to you and your family for the holidays. In this article, I will show you how to do this most easily.
Holiday Clutter PitfallsHolidays can be fun but stressful. There are various holiday clutter pitfalls to be on the lookout for. Know what clutter concerns can occur during the holiday season and how to resolve them.
How to Keep Your (Diet) Sanity During the Holidays!Yep, it’s here, Christmas season! While this is a joyous occasion for most, are you one of those dreading the stream of Christmas parties, office treats, and edible gifts? The amount of sugar can seem endless. Even for the most motivated it can be incredibly difficult to resist overindulging, if not for lack of willpower than simply due to pushy people who seem to take extreme offence when treats offered are refused. What is with people sometimes?
We Don’t All Celebrate the Same Holiday SeasonWhile most people, especially students, look forward to the two weeks of vacation surrounding the Christmas holiday season, for some it is a time of terror and loneliness. Insight has helped my better understand that my fun and joy often does not match what some kids face when out on school break.