You Don’t Have to Be a Scrooge to Give Your Wallet a Reason to Be Thankful

The holidays can put a severe strain on your finances. Whether its travel expenses, gifts, food, or decorations – it’s easy to take your wallet and credit cards for granted. If you take advantage of some of these tips they will relieve some stress and help you avoid overspending, helping to keep your budget intact.

Holiday Peace

The holidays can be a hectic time, and we may be so busy with activity that we forget the deeper spiritual gifts of light and love. Let us be inspired by the deeper meaning of this light filled time of year.

Ideas to Have the Most Memorable Christmas Celebration Ever

Christmas week’s finally here! Let’s see how to make this Christmas unforgettable. Come and share your ideas and jingle all the way!

Will It Be Festive Cheer or Festive Conflict for You?

Certain times of the year are stuffed full of fun, parties and an excess of food and alcohol. Many of us could spend the entire Christmas period shopping, partying and eating out if we were so minded. It’s important to stop and give occasional thought to the bigger picture of what’s going on in our relationships during these times, to ensure festive cheer rather than conflict.

Holiday Survival Guide for Chronic Illness Sufferers

The holidays can be a joyous time for so many. Those that suffer from chronic illness can find the holidays overwhelming. Every day is a struggle just to survive and then the pressure of everything surrounding the holidays starting from Thanksgiving till New Year’s can cause an already depressed chronically ill person to be devastated.

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